Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Lilttle Girl


This is when aya got Cranky with me (aka. Merajuk)
So i need to persuade her..
One Day, i have photo (well, the narcis mom), coincidental we same hoby about photo..
But i need to take the photo for my own self, but alya want to join with me..
well, singkatnya kita rebutan di photo.. *hayaaa..
and then karna saya harus mengambil photo sendiri, alya terpaksa harus mengalah, dan well they are the kids..  She Got Cranky

well, alya is nice little girl, never get a long time to cranky especially with her mom :D
I Love you Lilltle Girl


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Keep Calm and Love

Special Dedicate for My Beloved my Both Wibisono:
Anggi Ananto Wibisono (Zabou) and Alya Haura Wibisono
Love You Somuch guys..

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New Square Jilbab Style

Last Weekend i had experiment with my Square Jilbab and i've got a new style. 
And soon i'll make the tutorial. :) 

Square Scarf; Zoya.
Saya suka banget sama jilbab kotak dari Zoya ini, bahan katun tapi tidak kaku seperti ada bahan streetnya, jadi mudah untuk dibentuk-bentuk. Dan untuk gaya baru ini, lebih bagus karena Bahan lebih bervolume.

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Style Inspiration: Simply Femini


Have Been Long time not take a picture on this wall actually. hohoho...
Missing so much being Narcism lol :p
And trying my fav dress, light grey capedress from KAAYA, Actually grey match with various color, but i chose the basic one, BLACK make itu look Plain, simple. 
my outfit:
Capedress ( KAAYA )
Shoes ( VNC )

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Repost: Membuat Kartun


Saya suka sekali membuat kartun, sebenernya belum ahli juga hanya belajar otodidak dan sekedar hobi. Dan Tertarik untuk Re-share untuk teman-teman .AMissue yang suka sama kartun cara membuat kartun, mungkin ingin mencoba membuat sendiri.Saya pernah memposting Cara Membuat kartun ini di blog lama saya. Blog yang sudah lama tidak ter"jamah" hehehe...

dan Ini Repost Posting saya dari (sedikit edit ulang 

Membuat kartun wajah sendiri caranya yaitu dengan men-trace gambar foto yang kita punya. Awal mulanya pasti kaku, tapi harus sering latihan untuk memperoleh hasil yang lebih lentur dan luewes

Saya belajar membuat kartun ini dari  Mas Agus Hery.. Berawal mula perkenalan di internet lalu kopi darat hanya untuk sekedar belajar Cara Membuat Kartun. Thanks Mas To give a time :D s

so you guys,, ayo coba.. ini mengasikkan sekali... fun.. menyenangkan.. kita bisa buat apa saja dari gambar kartun.

Berikut Langkah Singkat:
1. Buka program Adobe Illustrator..
2. Pilih Menu File --> New Document,

3. Pilih menu File --> Place, kemudian pilih file gambar yang akan kita buat kartun --> klik tombol Open.

4. Setelah gambar terbuka. Buat layer baru dengan mengklik tombol New Layer pada Pallet Layers, seperti pada gambar.

5. Setelah kita membuat layer baru, dan akan mulai menggambar maka kunci terlebih dahulu gambar foto asli kita agar tidak terganggu pada saat membuat gambar kartun dengan cara: Klik kotak disamping gambar mata sehingga muncul gambar Gembok (Toggles Lock)

6. Pada Menu Tools pilih Pencil Tools untuk menggambar kartun.

7. Lalu mulailah menggambar pada Later yang kita buat (Layers 2) dengan mengikuti garis-garis pada gambar foto asli kita seperti pada gambar.
Tips. Mulailah dari menggambar wajah, lalu yang lainnya seperti mata, lalu hidung, dst.

8. Setiap setelah kita menggambar warnailah dengan cara memilih Menu Fill pada Menu Tools lalu pilih warna yang sesuai dengan gambar yang kita buat pada pallet color. Misal kita akan mewarnai warna kulit wajah maka yang dipilih adalah warna kulit seperti gambar dibawah.

10.Untuk mulai menggambar bagian lain, agar lebih mudah maka tekan tombol CTRL + Klik pada icon mata di layer 2 agar gambar yang terlihat hanya beruba garis dan tidak menghalangi contoh gambar yang akan di jiplak.

11.Lanjutkan menggambar pada bagian2 lainnya. Misalnya Alis. Lalu warnai seperti langkah sebelumnya (No. 8)

12. Setelah selesai maka save gambar yang telah kita buat dalam bentuk JPG/GIF. Tapi sebelumnya hilangkan dulu Foto Asli dengan cara mengklik Icon Mata pada layer foto asli (Layer 1) agar yang terlihat hanya gambar yang kita buat saja..

13. Lalu pilih Menu ile --> Save For Web.

14. Pilih jenis file yang akan di buat. Misal jenis file .GIF maka pilih GIF pada pilihan lalu klik tombol SAVE.

15. Dan Taraaa.... Selesai deh Menggambar Kartunnya.

Point: Tools yang digunakan hanya Tools Pencil, dan Fill Tool untuk mewarnai dan bermain pada palet layer dan kelenturan tangan. Sisanya gak perlu punya keahlian menggambar/melukis seperti Pelukis ternama atau Kartunis yang super OK, Cukup JIPLAK saja.. and Teng Ting Teng.. Jadi dehh...

Ok deh kurang lebih begitulah cara saya menggambar kartun.. (ilmu resapan dari Mr. Agus Hery). kalau mengerti silahkan mencoba.. Kalau kurang mengerti boleh tanya.. Kalau tidak mengerti.. Aduuuhh maaf sekali berarti saya memang tidak terlahir menjadi GURU.. hehehehe

Selamat Mencobaa..

Bdw, Step-by-step ini saya buat 25 April 2007. dan ini 25 hari setelah saya memakai hijab. Foto-foto saya diatas adalah foto-foto pertama kali saya menggunakan hijab. Kalau dipikir-pikir jauh sekali ya gaya berhijab sekarang dengan berhijab dulu.. Hijab Style Run Fast..

Just Keep Stylish and Be Smart Girl.


Friday, November 9, 2012

Being a Model???

Hi all, well, i admitted nowdays i rarely update this blog. And I'm so sory for that.

Well, i just wanna share the funny and silly hing i think. Being A Model for my own product. Well, i always take a picture but it for personal neede like share some style for blog. Now i need take some pose act like a model.. hohohoho...
Hope That's a good one..

Hahaha, sumpah deh rasanya mau ngomong ke diri sendiri, jadi model? Ciyuss? Mi Apah?
Rasanya saya lebih cocok jadi photografernya, mengarahkan gaya, memilihkan wardrobe dan memitch and match.. but this is something that i have to try..
New Experience.. 

And This is it..
My Photo..

available at:

for Join The Blackberry Group just email me for BB PIN at: 

Thank You Love,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

KAAYA Photoshoot


 Hi all, i just finished take some photo for KAAYA display promo. 
Helping from best friend, my college mate, Cici. Have fun together take some photo. 
Tired, fun..
Yaa we act like profesional Model and Photografer.
Cici as Model and I am as a Photografer.  with sophisticated tools and makeshift studio that we called it KAAYA Photo Studio, we make some photo..

well, theres was fun considering we were a Mom, but work and act as a young girl..
hahahaha.. ya that kind of young spirit.

You Know What?
Truly friend always with you when you do sincerely..
Making a Best friend are Beautiful. Isn't it?

Wardrobe by KAAYA
Find at:

Shoes by iwearUP & VNC Shoes


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Clothing Line: KAAYA


Hi, All So Sory have leave my blog for a while, coz prepare for my new project.
Introducing you my Cloting Line: KAAYA
As i ever told you before that i have a small business in selling scarf, now Alhamdulillah now KAAYA expand into the field of Fashion Muslim for Muslimah. 
KAAYA is now being for Muslimah Wear for Smart Shoping choise.
its Available at My Blogshop AM MARKET (please kindly visit it ;) ) 


available at:

for Join The Blackberry Group just email me for BB PIN at: 
with Text Message [AM-Blogshop]

Thank You Love,


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

From Hobby Became a Money


Like i've tell you before in my post. Now i run my small business, KAAYA, that i called it "From Hobby Become a Money". yaa my hobby is sewing.. even i'm not an expert but for sew the scarf side i'm good enough for that... hahahaa..

KAAYA scarf is made by my self. I Sew it by my own. Why i do it by my self, coz i can control it more detail, and i want give the best.

When i looking people wear what you've made it like a pleasure, pride for my self.

KAAYA is Crafted by passion. Crafted from Hobby.

 Flower Print Scarf By KAAYA

More Collection Kindly Visit:
or Follow Our Twitter @KAAYAscarf
or LIKE or Facebok Fan Page

Much Love

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012



Sometime life not running as well as we want. Sometime theres a condition that make you feel so down. And its can come anytime from everyone. We Just don't know. Sometime you'll feel that someone just want bring you down and you you are trully down by them.
You are fell you weak, can't handle the feeling, just feelin you are nothing?
yaaa trust me that's for a while you just need to be grateful to Allah SWT. What we have today, and what we had passed it's a lesson, it's a blessing, trust me there's always a wisdom in every thing problem in our life. We are blessing to got it. That mean we go to the next grade in our life.
Just be patient time will

I just learned "Some people come in your life as blessings, others came in your life as lesson."

Ada masa dimana kita terjatuh dan ada masa dimana kita akan bangkit kembali. Masa-masa Gemilang tentu pastinya akan kita miliki. :)
This Song, Gemilang by Andien is just Like Spirit Song for me.

Hari terus berganti banyak yang tlah terjadi
Dirimu kian pasti segala kan ku raih
Bila esok menjelang bahagiapun kan datang
Bintang di angkasa bersinar gemilang
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.Net
Tempatku tuju segala angan dan harapan
Tempat ku padu cita-cita dan impian
Tempat ku tuju setiap langkah yang berarti
Tetap menyatu dalam hasrat dan tujuanku selalu
Waktu terus menguji tekad yang ku miliki
Kini tlah terbukti segala kan ku gapai
Rintangan ku hadapi cobaan ku lalui
Semua tlah ku dapati tetaplah gemilang

Tempat ku padu cita-cita dan impian
Tempat ku pacu segala langkah yang berarti
Tetap menyatu dalam hasrat dan tujuanku selalu


Monday, September 10, 2012

Hijab Tutorial Various Turban Style


In This Video I Try to Show how to use Turban Style with Pashmina Scarf, but, you know that making a video tutorial is not always successful, before I've got the best one i have made some mistake in making video, and need to rewind it again and again. and this is one that i called "Dibuang Sayang". But Maybe you can take some style and fix it by your own at home.

and i just like to make the tittle is

Hijab Tutorial Various Turban Style With Annoying Lill Girl
(Dibuang Sayang)

And Just Take Some Picture With Alya After making the Video

Ok Guys..
Happy Watching and Have a Try at home yaa..

Much Love
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Hijab Tutorial 2 Fast To Be Stylish


Hi There, this is my other Hijab Tutorial Video. Hijab Tutorial Using Pashmina Scarf, I made in two style.
First Stye: Hana Tajima Style in Other Way, more simple and easy. 
Second Style Necklace Style You can wear it when you in hurry but also keep stylish.

Ok Guys..
Happy Watching and Have a Try at home yaa..


Monday, September 3, 2012

Hijab Tutorial: Simply Pashmina Scarf


Made this video before ied, but have no time to make the editing..
This is just my another hijab tutorial, this time i use pashmina scarf motif. This style is very simple and easy to use..and you can you this for formal or casual look.

Happy Watching..
Happy Try it!!

Next Insyaallah i'll give you step by step by picture.


Friday, August 31, 2012

Stella in Black from


Men In Black? not again now time to
Stella in Black from

Very comfortable to use
Price show the Quality..

Very Worthed!!

 Stella Black From

Much Love,

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Reward From

Dear All,

first i wanna say my belated..
Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin
Mohon Maaf Lahir Bathin Semua..
Please accept my appologize for all mistake that maybe i made in every word that i've wrote.

And i'm so happy cause i received Reward from
Yea i've return my 1000 point to this one.. 
Every post i've entry that featured by HijabLOOK i've got a point..

  1. Submitting Posts (Outfits, Articles, Videos) +50
  2. Commenting on posts +5
  3. Someone else comments on your post +2
  4. Visiting the site daily +5
  5. When your post gets on the featured page +100 (temporarily unavailable)
  6. Link your blog to +50
  7. Inviting friends +40
  8. Blogging about (email us at with your link and username to claim your points) +300
  9. Blog about an item you bought from the HijabLook Rewards Store +300
  10. Secret Codes  +10 to +500 

and every point can be return with a reward..
one of that is what i have got below :D

To Be Honest i dont know to wear that, just guessing how is it. Hope i wear the right way..
but I Love It So Much.. Very Comfortable to wear.. and very easy..

C'mon guys join with, collect the point and win the Reward.

Much Love,

Ps. They really know the right size for me!!
Thank You so Much :*

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

.AM LIVE!!!!


it's been take a time ya for me to think.. and then forget to post and update my blog.. 
aahhh Sorry guyss..

.AM Back!! and just captured some random photo's.

and that's mean..
heyy i .AM LIVE!!!!

I Wore: Hodiejah Batwing &, Ribbon Pants (Queenaya)


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Thursday, June 28, 2012



Hi There,
 What Should I Post..
What Should I Share..
What Should I Made..


Actualy nothing to do
but don't have any to share yet.. 
Happy Thinking